EMF EURO 2022 Draw
International minifootball is back big time! On Monday March 14th the EMF EURO 2022 will officially kick off with the group stage draw which will take place in Bratislava.
Slovak minifootball association president Peter Kralik, will be joined by EMF president Borislav Alexandrov, Slovak state minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport Mr. Ivan Husár and former international FIFA referee Ľuboš Micheľ.
EMF EURO will start on June 4th and the matches in the stunning indoor Steel Arena in Kocsice will be played until the final on June 11th. 24 teams will be divided in 6 groups of 4 teams and the draw on Monday will determine who will play with who.
The pots were formed according to the EMF ranking. All favorites to win the tournament are in pot 1, mainly the host Slovakia, reigning European champions Czech republic, 5 time European Champions Romania, Kazakhsatan which won the title in 2016 and Hungary which is considers one of Europes strongest teams.
Pot 1: Slovakia Czech Rep. Romania Kazakhstan Hungary Montenegro |
Pot 2: Serbia England Spain Ukraine Bulgaria Italy |
Pot 3: Israel Turkey Austria Moldava Belgium Albania |
Pot 4: Portugal Poland France Greece Azerbaijan Georgia |
After the teams will be drawn the local organizing committee will reveal the EMF EURO 2022 official mascot and hymn. Everything will be live on EMF facebook and YoutTube channels – stay tuned!